Farmer Resources
Nov 30, 2022 Post

Canola Farmers on The Hill

After more than two years of virtual lobbying, CCGA, joined by the provincial canola commissions, returned in-person  to Parliament  Hill on November 15 to meet with Parliamentarians and senior staff to advocate for Canada's canola farmers.

Demand for canola has never been higher. Domestic and global markets see Canadian canola as a heart-healthy cooking oil, high-quality feed, and a low-carbon biofuel feedstock. To meet this growing demand, Canadian canola farmers need tools for sustainable growth.

The day included 24 meetings where the team highlighted three important factors for sustainable growth: timely and reliable rail transportation, access to crop protection products and fertilizer, and access to working capital. When farmers have the tools they need to succeed, they can invest in their operations to be more efficient, competitive, and sustainable.

 1. Transportation 

With over 90% of Canadian canola exported to international markets, it is vital that canola farmers have access to timely and reliable rail transportation. In October 2022, the Final Report of the federal government's National Supply Chain Task Force was released, which highlighted several important recommendations to help solve systemic railway performance issues, including enhancing railway competition across Canada through expanded interswitching and increasing transparency of supply chain data and labour disputes with industry. 

Our Ask: Increase transparency and confidence in Canada's railways and take immediate action on the National Supply Chain Task Force report. 

 2. Access to Crop Protection Products and Fertilizer 
Farmers need access to crop protection products and fertilizer to grow healthy, sustainable, and abundant crops. As stewards of the land, canola farmers take pride in their best management practices and adoption of the latest technologies. 
Our Asks: Support Canada's innovative and sustainable farmers by focusing on increasing productivity, incentivizing best practices, and measuring emissions on an intensity and efficiency basis. Champion science-based decision-making and restore confidence in Canada's regulatory system.
3. Working Capital
Access to working capital is a key tool for Canadian canola farmers to prosper and drive Canada's sustainable growth. Farmers require working capital to invest in their operations and remain competitive in the global market. Exempting on-farm use of natural gas and propane from carbon pricing (Bill C-234) and allowing farmers to choose who can diagnose and repair their farm equipment (C-244) are important measures to help farmers keep working capital, so they can invest in the long-term sustainability of their farms.

Our Ask Support Canadian farmers and vote in favour of Bills C-234 and C-244
​CCGA’s board of directors met with the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Marie-Claude Bibeau, to discuss tools for sustainable growth.​

CCGA’s board of directors met with the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Marie-Claude Bibeau, to discuss tools for sustainable growth.

Meetings of Note:


  • Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
  • Minister Responsible for Prairies Economic Development Canada
  • Leader of the Official Opposition in the Senate
  • Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport
  • Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Agri-Food and Food Security 


The day ended with a joint reception with the Canola Council of Canada, themed, Canola: Growing a Sustainable Future.

Jim Everson, President of the Canola Council of Canada; Terry Duguid, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change; Mike Ammeter, Chair of Canadian Canola Growers Association

From left to right: Jim Everson, President of the Canola Council of Canada; Terry Duguid, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change; Mike Ammeter, Chair of Canadian Canola Growers Association. Terry Duguid gave opening remarks at CCGA and CCC's joint reception, titled “Growing a Sustainable Future."

Parliament building

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