
A seat at the table

Farmers need to be at the table when policies are shaped and regulations are drafted. CCGA brings the voice of canola farmers to those tables, working with national decision-makers to advocate for your best interests in policy areas that directly impact your competitiveness and profitability.

As one of the most active advocacy groups, CCGA’s advocacy team works to bring the voice of Canada’s 40,000 canola farmers to the forefront of agricultural policy discussions at the national and international levels. This is done through in-depth policy analysis and consistent, solutions-based government engagement in the following areas:

Farmer standing in a canola field.

Key policy areas

Transportation icon


Canada’s grains are well travelled, moving from the farm to Canadian and global destinations. Most of your canola is exported by rail. Canola farmers need an efficient, predictable, and timely rail system that prioritizes the needs of their farm businesses.

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Trade icon


Canola is a trade powerhouse, with over 90% exported as seed, oil, and meal, to 50 global markets. 

Trade is vital to canola’s success, making it critical to keep existing markets open while diversifying and growing new ones.

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Sustainability Icon


Consumers want to know where their food comes from and if it’s produced sustainably. For decades, canola farmers have demonstrated a strong commitment to sustainability while continuing to feed and fuel the world—a sustainability story Canada can be proud of.

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Science & Innovation icon

Science & Innovation

Canola is a made-in-Canada success story, born from science and innovation. To stay globally competitive, farmers need regulations, policies, and programs that support agriculture innovations which enhance on-farm efficiencies and increase production.

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Risk icon

Business Risk Management

Farmers face uncontrollable risks, like weather events and trade restrictions, that impact production, price, and when they get paid. Farmers need a “toolbox” to manage risk before it affects their farms. 

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Government Engagement

CCGA’s is proud to have a boots-on-the-ground presence in Ottawa, bringing canola farmers’ voices to the nation’s capital where federal policies and regulations are made. 

Advocating with impact requires continual dialogue with government through various forums, having farmers directly engage with decision-makers, and coordinating positions with industry partners. 

As a leading lobbying organization in Canada, CCGA participated in over 200 meetings in 2023 with parliamentarians and government officials, ensuring your voice is heard where it matters most.


Advocacy Priorities    Submissions and Appearances

Canola field

Current Issues

CCGA enhances farm competitiveness by conducting in-depth policy analysis and advocating for policy, regulatory, and legislative changes that impact farm profitability. 

While we cover five broad policy areas, there are always current issues that require immediate and focused attention. 

Visit our current issues page to explore the timeliest policy topics we’re working on.


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Year In Review

It was a year of ‘Leading Change’ for CCGA.  

Never has the breadth of policy issues impacting agriculture been so extensive, creating both opportunities and concerns for the future of canola farmers. We have been at the forefront of leading change for canola farmers, representing their interests in national and international agricultural issues, programs, and policies.

As the leading administrator of the Advance Payments Program, in 2022-23, CCGA took several steps to make applying for an advance easier for Western Canadian farmers—ultimately helping them better market their commodities and supporting the working capital needs of their farms.

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Year in review document